Monday, August 18, 2008


For future references, and if the time shall come that you decide to test other GPT Websites, theres a few things you may want to keep in mind.

1) Pay to be paid? I think not. Stay away from any site that makes you "Pay" to use their "service". Typical places like this will say something along the lines of: "For a one-time fee, you could be making hundreds, even thousands of dollars on the computer! Pay our especially low price of $39.99, and you'll earn your money back in less than an hours time of work!"
See that? What most industries don't realize is that any person seeking to make money online, most likely doesn't have much of their own, or atleast would prefer to make money without spending money. I fell for it, and what I got in return was a LIST of websites that I could have joined for FREE without paying the $39.99. I never made my $39.99 back using any of the websites they referred me to either, being that I had already been spoofed into using them before hand. Stay away from those sites, because I promise you, you can make ALOT of money, without spending a cent!
2) Accounts. I highly recommend only joining one account per computer, and POSSIBLY per household. Most sites have zero tolerance for those trying to scam their way through the system to earn extra money. Administration can track your networking and IP like you wouldn't believe. They will find out, make sure only one account per PC. If you have a brother or sister who has a separate PC and lives in the same household, take it up with the staff before referring relatives. Most likely you're still on the same network as anyone else living in the house is whether its a different computer or not, you don't want to get caught because they get the wrong idea or mistaken your family for being you in disguise. For the sake of losing your hard earned money, and jeopardizing your account, i highly discourage attempts to fool the system.
3) Create a separate email. If you have an email that you use right now for other sites you are a member of, or use that email to keep in touch with friends/family; whatever the case may be, I strongly suggest you sign up for a new email to use when filling out any survey, completing any offer, or giving out your email to any site period. YOU WILL GET SPAM! In other words, if you wanna use your current email, lets test out how many new e-mails you'll begin receiving.. go to your newest email. Close out the browser and log back in. I guarantee that email you were just reading is dug about 3 pages back now. Enough said
4) Protect your information. Its one thing if you're giving out your email or home address to complete a daily survey/offer, thats not going anywhere. It will be highly protected and most positively not given out to secondary sites. But relating to the first one, when you start giving out credit card information, thats a different story. Places like eBay and Amazon, go ahead. When you're signing up for offers on a GPT website, you are being released to many 3rd party websites. All in all, if you're on a page with 50 popups per minute, its most likely not safe enough to protect your credit card info. Be safe, please!

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